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Friday, March 31, 2017

Worldwide Business Interview: The US & UK Legal System Compared | Kathy ...

3:28 PM 0

Worldwide business Interview about the US and UK Legal System Compared in Kathy Ireland show.

Premonition recently went live on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® and aired on Fox Business Network and Bloomberg International as sponsored programming. Learn about our Artificial Intelligence system and the World's largest litigation database. Go to

Toby, you and I are both from England can you please describe the differences and the American litigation system versus that of Great Britain. yes in England we deal with high courts just under 4,000 cases a year, in America, we deal with41,000 cases every day. 
Forty-one a thousand cases a day. yeah, it's a sickening amount of litigation you have ninety-five percent of the walls lawsuits coming from just five percent of the world's population. the main reason for that is every other democracy on the planet has what's called a loser pays Law. 
So if I sue you for something frivolous and you win I have to pay your lawyers fees. in America, they don't have that so there's no disincentive at all for filing frivolous lawsuits. 
Often like to think of it as it's kind of like a casino. if there was a casino where you could go and you could gamble all day long and if you lost your only Archer time. you and I wouldn't be here talking would be there to gambling like two generals and that's unfortunately what the courts are like for plaintiff attorneys in America. 
Wow oh, it's it's it's incredible. it is we've actually analyzed attorneys that have had literally, have filed dozens and dozens of lawsuits in a given year and pretty much all of them are frivolous they settled one or two and that's how they make their money. 
But they are knowingly using the system so it's very different. the points of entry in the UK also generally much higher and the UK's a second most litigious society in the world. and yet the numbers are four thousand a year as opposed to 41,000 a day it's frightening nobody comes close. yeah, this is nice then well you, gentlemen have your work cut out for you yes, we do.
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Docker Tutorials for Beginners Part 1 । What is Dockers Container

Friday, March 17, 2017

Docker Tutorials for Beginners: Introduction to Docker Container - tetratutorials com

8:57 AM 0

Docker Tutorials for Beginners: Introduction to Docker Container by

Hello and welcome to the course introduction to Docker Tutorials for Beginners. data center and computing infrastructure are becoming more complex every day and more essential to the success of businesses. Data center design has shifted away from the traditional large expensive setups. on the IT floor space to smaller component-based solutions. From traditional private data centers to public and private clouds a variety of different options is available to build and Rania infrastructure for your ID and software
projects. In this course, we will focus on the container base infrastructure specifically using docker. We will witness how software and applications evolved over the last few decades. we
will also see how this revolution led to widespread adoption of containerization technologies. I hope you find the information useful and employ it in your projects. at the same time, I would love
to know your talk about the course and whether you enjoyed the experience, for now, let's get exploring.

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