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Sunday, August 27, 2017

BoldLeads Review - 3 Listings in 60 Days with BoldLeads...

7:21 AM 0
BoldLeads Review - 3 Listings in 60 Days with BoldLeads...
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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fintech 2017: Hot topic Insurtech where are we now PART 2 | Toby Unwin

3:02 AM 0

Fintech 2017, Hot topic Insurtech where are we now PART 2 | Toby Unwin. Get A Free Demo: https://www.premonition.ai/take-a-tour/ 
. Premonition is an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which Attorneys usually win before which Judges. It is a very, very unfair advantage in Litigation. Analytics for insider legal news and visit us at https://www.Premonition.ai
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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

AWS Tutorial for Beginners: Benefits of AWS & Cloud Computing Part 2 2017 | Amazon Web Services

6:09 PM 0
In this topic, you will learn about Amazon web services or aws. Amazon uses Decentralized or distributed i Infrastructure to make several it Resources available on demand. Since the1990s it has invested millions of dollars in building and managing large-scale distributed and efficient it  infrastructure. Amazon launched aws a cloud computing platform to allow other organizations to take advantage of this reliable it infrastructure.

There are many scenarios in which aws is an efficient option for running web applications or organization portals. Let's explore a few aws use cases. A small manufacturing organization can use its expertise in expanding its business through quality production while leaving it management to aws. A large enterprise spread across the globe can utilize aws to deliver training to its distributed workforce. In architecture consulting company can use aws to get high compute rendering of its construction prototypes.

A media company can use aws to provide different types of content such as videos ebooks and audio files to its worldwide customers based. On the concept of pay-as-you-go. Aws provides a suite of services that customers can use when required and without any long-term commitments or upfront expenditure. The platform enables customers to procure services such as computing programming models database storage networking and development platforms in minutes. This allows the customers to enjoy the benefit of low operational overheads. The distributed it infrastructure provided through aws has evolved with time through the lessons learned from over 16 years of experience. Aws diligently listens to customer feedback this enables the aws team to efficiently deliver creative features and services.

Even today aws continues to hone its operational expertise continually to retain lasting reliability by employing its own advances and industry best practices into its cloud infrastructure. As a result the customers tend to benefit significantly from aws. These benefits include the following, flexibility cost-effectiveness scalability and elasticity security. Flexibility is the major benefit of using aws when compared with the traditional it infrastructure this benefit is realized in different ways, first you get more time for core business tasks through the instant availability of new features and services.

The traditional it infrastructure requires a lot of time in planning designing procuring hiring and effortless hosting of legacy applications aws does not require rewriting legacy applications or learning new technologies migrating legacy applications - aws gives the benefits of advanced computing as well as efficient storage.

Last you get a choice in running services and applications. Aws is flexible enough to run services and applications separately or together as a platform. You can even choose to run a part of your it infrastructure in aws and the remaining part in your data centers. Large organizations usually prefer this method of operation.

Aws requires no upfront investment long-term commitment or minimum expense this is its significant advantage when compared to the traditional it infrastructure owning and operating one's own infrastructure requires huge investments in it hardware power bandwidth and human resources. Through aws techniques such as auto scaling and elastic load balancing can automatically scale resources they scale up the required resources to fulfill a sudden demand and deven scales them down when the demand falls without affecting speed and performance. The aws techniques are ideal for dealing with unpredictable and variable loads.

As a result the organization enjoys the benefits of reduced cost and increased user satisfaction. Aws delivers end-to-end security and privacy to its customers it's virtual infrastructure offers optimum availability while managing full privacy for customers and isolation of their operations. Customers can expect high physical security and this is due to amazon's several years of experience in designing developing and running large-scale it operation centers.

Aws ensures confidentiality integrity and availability of the users data. The purpose of aws compliance is to enable you to understand its powerful controls in action and to maintain security and data protection. Aws provides security to their global infrastructure along with a variety of features for securing critical data in the cloud.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Want more listings and buyers?

10:57 AM 0


Want more listings and buyers?
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How to Generate Free Seller Leads on Zillow™

5:17 AM 0

Learn How to Generate Free Seller Leads on Zillow™ and also generated automated seller leads at https://boldleads.com

Hey guys,

I’m going to go over a simple and effective way of driving targeted traffic to your landing page. This method is very easy, and can even be automated.

First, we’re going to go to Zillow.com. Then, I’m going to select “Pre-market” and type in my city which is Phoenix, AZ.

This brings up a list of foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, and properties marked as “make me move”. Make me move is an option on Zillow given to homeowners, who can set their optimal price without actually listing their home. A lot of homeowners will list their ideal selling price, just to test the waters and gauge interest. The good news for you is that these homeowners have a high probability of selling in the near future. AND, all of the properties marked “make me move”, either offer a contact form that emails the owner or list the owner’s phone number.

So, this is a prime opportunity to drive potential sellers to your lead capture page. So I’m now looking at the list of all “make me move” properties in my area. I’m going to select a property. Now, this brings up more info on the home and a contact form that I can message the owner with. I’m going to fill in my info, and send this message…

Hey there,

Your home has actually increased in value – you can see it’s actual current market value at:


It’s that easy.

You can select just the properties that have to make me move prices that are close to their estimate price or just target preforeclosures, or come up with your own strategy. It’s up to you.

Now, you don’t feel like going through all of these properties and filling out this form on each, you can assign this to your virtual assistant or hire someone on Odesk for a couple bucks an hour to sit and send out hundreds and hundreds of these for you.

If you’re not familiar with desk, it’s fairly simple. You can sign up and post your first “job” in about 2 minutes. Then, applicants from all over the world will apply to do this job for you. You can review their track record, English skills, and talents and hire one. The cost per hour is ridiculously cheap, some as low as $2/hour. Also, Odesk takes a screen capture every few minutes while your new employees are working, so that you can make sure that they’re working and not messing around on facebook or something. It’s an awesome and cheap way to take care of tasks like this.

You can also hire someone on work to go through and scrape all of the “make me move” addresses in your area, and send out a direct mail campaign to these addresses. I won’t go into detail on that now, but this is a great way to target homeowners most likely to sell in your area without much effort.

Try this out in your market before other agents discover this goldmine and good luck!

What are top agents saying about BoldLeads? Check out more agent success stories at http://boldleads.com/success.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How to Create a Bootstrap PSD Grid in Photoshop CC 2015 | Photoshop Web Design Tutorial 2017 [8/48]

12:46 PM 0

How to create a bootstrap psd grid in photoshop cc 2015. Photoshop web design tutorial 2017. Checkout Full course http://bit.ly/1Mp9blr

0:00 Hi you my name is Dan and by the end of
0:05 This video you all know what a grid

0:16 using Photoshop if you're serious about
0:18 making money as a web designer there's a
0:20 discount code for you in the description
0:21 anyway sales pitch over let's learn
0:24 about good-looking grits now the most
0:26 popular solution to handle different
0:27 browser sizes at the moment is the grid
0:30 system and of the grid systems something
0:33 called bootstrap is by far the most
0:35 common now whether you are using
0:37 bootstrap or any other way to build your
0:39 website you're probably going to be
0:41 using the grid system and that's what
0:44 we'll use in our Photoshop document the
0:45 grid system allows designers to work
0:47 from a base 12 column grid designers can
0:50 span any amount of those columns to suit

2:09 these are feature boxes all carved into
2:11 thirds the case of four columns for
2:13 columns four columns and then my photo
2:15 would be spanning all three you can see
2:17 here's a couple of different examples of
2:18 ways of cutting out websites so I've
2:21 switched here to the photoshop file that
2:23 you can download as part of the exercise
3:42 looking for exact dimensions to get
3:44 started with then you can download the
3:46 photoshop template that i've gotten the
3:48 resources or if you're using say
3:50 bootstrap you can go and check bootstrap
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Prince Royce, Shakira - Deja vu piano tutorial with lyrics - synthesia ...

Friday, March 31, 2017

Worldwide Business Interview: The US & UK Legal System Compared | Kathy ...

3:28 PM 0

Worldwide business Interview about the US and UK Legal System Compared in Kathy Ireland show.

Premonition recently went live on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® and aired on Fox Business Network and Bloomberg International as sponsored programming. Learn about our Artificial Intelligence system and the World's largest litigation database. Go to https://www.premonition.ai

Toby, you and I are both from England can you please describe the differences and the American litigation system versus that of Great Britain. yes in England we deal with high courts just under 4,000 cases a year, in America, we deal with41,000 cases every day. 
Forty-one a thousand cases a day. yeah, it's a sickening amount of litigation you have ninety-five percent of the walls lawsuits coming from just five percent of the world's population. the main reason for that is every other democracy on the planet has what's called a loser pays Law. 
So if I sue you for something frivolous and you win I have to pay your lawyers fees. in America, they don't have that so there's no disincentive at all for filing frivolous lawsuits. 
Often like to think of it as it's kind of like a casino. if there was a casino where you could go and you could gamble all day long and if you lost your only Archer time. you and I wouldn't be here talking would be there to gambling like two generals and that's unfortunately what the courts are like for plaintiff attorneys in America. 
Wow oh, it's it's it's incredible. it is we've actually analyzed attorneys that have had literally, have filed dozens and dozens of lawsuits in a given year and pretty much all of them are frivolous they settled one or two and that's how they make their money. 
But they are knowingly using the system so it's very different. the points of entry in the UK also generally much higher and the UK's a second most litigious society in the world. and yet the numbers are four thousand a year as opposed to 41,000 a day it's frightening nobody comes close. yeah, this is nice then well you, gentlemen have your work cut out for you yes, we do.
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Docker Tutorials for Beginners Part 1 । What is Dockers Container

Friday, March 17, 2017

Docker Tutorials for Beginners: Introduction to Docker Container - tetratutorials com

8:57 AM 0

Docker Tutorials for Beginners: Introduction to Docker Container by https://goo.gl/2oc0l8

Hello and welcome to the course introduction to Docker Tutorials for Beginners. data center and computing infrastructure are becoming more complex every day and more essential to the success of businesses. Data center design has shifted away from the traditional large expensive setups. on the IT floor space to smaller component-based solutions. From traditional private data centers to public and private clouds a variety of different options is available to build and Rania infrastructure for your ID and software
projects. In this course, we will focus on the container base infrastructure specifically using docker. We will witness how software and applications evolved over the last few decades. we
will also see how this revolution led to widespread adoption of containerization technologies. I hope you find the information useful and employ it in your projects. at the same time, I would love
to know your talk about the course and whether you enjoyed the experience, for now, let's get exploring.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

BoldLeads Reviews: with Jack in Texas

4:00 AM 0
BoldLeads Reviews: with Jack in Texas. 

Does BoldLeads really work? Listen to Jack's experience with the system, or click below for dozens of more stories. Jack in Texas BoldLeads Reviews

What are top agents saying about BoldLeads? Check out more agent success stories at http://boldleads.com/success.

Check your area's availability at http://boldleads.com!

Hi, I'm Jack Harrel, with Keller Williams in Dallas, Texas. I signed up for BoldLeads a little under 2 months ago, at this point, I have 107 leads, 109 address captures, I have 3 clients that I'm working with that want to buy and sell, so this is the most fantastic lead generation system that I have seen, bar none. 

You do have to make The calls, I do knock on doors for the address captures, but this is a fantastic system, and Tom, you're the man.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Personal Development Videos INFJ Success

Friday, February 10, 2017

Boldleads Review with Cat Mayo - boldleads.com

9:26 PM 0
Boldleads Review Cat Mayo Learn about boldleads automated real estate seller leads system.

I'm Cat Mayo and I am a solo practitioner out of the Boston area. I moved to the Boston area bout a year ago. Without any type of sphere I had to figure out quickly how to build my pipeline.

I subscribed to Bold Leads. Within the first month I had over twenty leads to followup on. With those twenty leads to followup on, that was twenty names that I was able to put into my contact management. I've been systematically contacting those people, so when they're ready to sell that I'll be the person that will sell their home.

I also, this past month, have been clocking about one listing appointment per week out of Bold Leads. I have three listings in the pipeline that should be coming out in the next month. Thank you Bold Leads for all the help.

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Motivational Videos 2017: How To Sharpen Your Attention Span | INFJ

Openstack Tutorial for Beginners: An Introduction to Cloud Computing and OpenStack

9:17 AM 0
The open fact project is an open source cloud computing platform. that supports all types of the cloud environment. the project aims for simple implementation massive scalability and a rich set of features. cloud computing experts from around the world contribute to the project.
OpenStack to widen infrastructure-as-a-service solution through a variety of complemental services each. service offers an application programming interface or API. that facilitate this integration. here is a conceptual architecture of OpenStack which shows the component services which make up OpenStack plaza. the identity service is codenamed keystone and it provides user management.
the computer service called Nova provide the virtual machine management. and the image Service codename plans manages virtual images like Colonel, abilities are disconnected. the web dashboard for name horizon provides great console via the web browser. the object storage service is also known as Swift provides cloud storage locker storage service is known offender
provides storage management for virtual machines. Network Service codename neutron provides virtual networking management orchestration service. Also known as heat provide orchestration function for virtual machines. And meeting service called millimeter provide the function of users management for accounting.

And here is the same list of services in a tabular format. let's go over them one by one horizon is a dashboard a guy based. friend for the user the user can just log into the horizon and navigate the green to face and consume all the cloud services. For example virtual machines storage etc there are also some other ways the user can access these components. but the main user interface dashboard the horizon know what it is a hypervisor level component. no one to work gives him then which is the hypervisor responsible for creating the Vian's.
Neutron is a service which provides a network to the virtual machines it provides services like routing DNS DHCP and another network services. Swift provides object storage as a service. something like Dropbox with services like Dropbox Google Drive we can directly copy view and share files with them and we can also access this cloud drive anywhere. we actually don't need any system attached to them like.
an external drive we can basically just open our browser and access these files. so similar functionality is provided by Swift. Center provides block storage Another service. it is more like attacking a hard disk the machine so we can just create volumes and attach them to know what computer services. and we can create the partitions and stored media then east on Keystone is a service which provides authentication and authorization.
Basically, all the services communicate amongst them with the help of keystone. it enables role-based access control and provide granularly access level two different users and products, for example, a user is provided with the token and catalog by keystone after logging in which he or she will be able to use to access other services. glance provides an image as a service.
we can upload images like you want to read that right into glance. so when we try to launch a VM in nova it just picks up the image from Class. next we have millimeter which provides metering and alarming services. the next to services are heat which provides an efficient service. and crop which provides a scalable and reliable cloud database for OpenStack services.

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